I really can’t believe how this turned out. This was one of the other magnum opus drama for HBO that was supposed to be a runaway success. It may have been for 77% of Rotten Tomatoes reviewers (at the time of writing) — it certainly had a big disconnect with the audience that just liked it 68% at the same time. Why so? The plot’s ending was really underwhelming.
I believe in the era of streaming wars where Netflix, Disney, Hulu, HBO and others are in a showdown for the most attention grabbing content and starts, it is very easy to be presented with ‘over-done’. Don’t believe me? Watch these teasers and couch-conversations between Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant that’s just flaring up the expectations leading up to its Oct 25 release. Really
They all make it sound like Davie Kelly’s new drama would turn out to be a twister the way you have never seen below. But watch it till the end — It does have its sufficient opioid full of suspense and turns but nothing like when you see the final episode. Thankfully, it has only 6 episodes but consuming 6 hours (equivalent of 4 usual length movies) is not a wise suggestion to be subjected to just to find out that there wasn’t really anything surprising after all (You know what I mean if you have seen all 6 episodes). It just follows the principle of WYSWYG (What You See is What You Get) — it just…